Friday, July 1, 2011

Sel - A [Sizzling] Sight for Sore Eyes

A little past 10 a.m. today, I arrived just in time for the PFF LOC Media Briefing at the Rizal Memorial Media Office. [This was in prep for the July 3 Azkals vs Brave Reds match].  Right of, I saw Media Officer Mr. Rick Olivares, who was holding the briefing, along with Cathy Rivilla, up front.  Promptly seated myself and listened. Off course, there were familiar faces all around - there were unfamiliar ones too.  Among the new faces I noticed was this girl beside Mark Sambrano [whom I met way back at the Iron Man at Cam Sur last year] of GMA 7.  Newbee, I thought, maybe, no matter -- She was a looker.  After a brief chat with Mark [pasimple lang] I eventually met her -->"Thistle" Guevara, or Sel, for short..  Brief intro, gave her my card , the routine - media talk -- -whatever - asked her to visit this 2 week old blog - asked her about her job at ABC 5 - and so on and so forth.  Then, I had to attend to my missing ID. Soon enough though we were all out on the Rizal pitch checking out where each one might be situated during the Big Match.  'Twas very hot, hardly a cloud in the sky, and I think it was close to 11-11:30 by that time.

Before taking the group shots of the Media Guys,  I promptly told them to be aware that the sun was casting very unflattering shadows below their eyes so that they could make the "adjustments".  

One can only do so much in certain situations but I always try to get a little more SOUL from my subjects EVERY single photo I take. Press release, snapshot, portrait, stolen shot - I need SOUL in my pics -- I want SOUL in my pics -- and though I know I won't get it all the time [reality check] -- 
At least I try to.

The media group shot, I took in the middle of the football field, can be viewed at  Wether I will eventually post some of the other group photos here in my blog, or not - am still undecided.  But there's this one photo that you'll never find at that blog.  And it's an impromptu/spur-of-the-moment available light portrait I took of a once unfamiliar person --> Sel.

--- Just a Sec !! --- 
A young lady news correspondent on a blue seat on a Sunny Day in July.

Love it !  Hope you do too Sel !

Thank you for your time.

brosi gonzales

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